Friday 6 April 2012

How to distract yourself from end of year assignments.


I went on a Models Own mini haul last week as a result of finishing one assignment but turns out it distracted me from doing some of my others. 

 Being 3 for 2 at Boots on all make-up i decided to buy Disco Mix, Indian Ocean, Tropical Sun and 2 sets of the Mini's which are Pinky Brown, Pink Cocktail and Golden Green and a smokey eye kit which isn't included in the picture.

First I tried the Indian Ocean polish pictured below, I had to apply around 3 coats to get the desired effect, but I am in love with the colour. A perfect spring/summer colour for me, and the holographic effect in the light is stunning!

This week, I am sporting the Pinky Brown from the mini collection and on my ring finger Tropical Sun. I know the ring finger polish fashion has probably ended by now but I decided it was a nice change and I'd never tried it before so had a go. 

As the title of this post says this is how you distract yourself from assignments, but in hope of getting all of them finished by the end of next week, I have promised myself a little beauty splurge, so I'll let you know how that goes :'). 

That's it for my first proper blog post, Sorry if you found it a bit boring but I am hoping to improve as I go on. If anyone has any suggestions let me know. 

Hope you all are having a lovely easter break and indulge in lots of choccie :)

Crissy x